
Pakistani national arrested videotaping bank skyscrapers
A Pakistani citizen is in federal custody after being arrested by a police officer who spotted him videotaping the 60-story Bank of America headquarters and another skyscraper in downtown Charlotte. The officer who arrested Kamran Akhtar, 35, said he tried to walk away when officers approached him on July 20 and gave conflicting statements about what he was doing and where he was going. Videotapes in Akhtar’s possession also showed buildings in Atlanta, Houston, Dallas, New Orleans and Austin, Texas, as well as transit systems in those cities and a dam in Texas, according to a federal criminal complaint filed last week.
"Hokay Mahmoud, now it works like this: we blow the dam in Texas, and it floods the transit system in Atlanta, and lots o' infidels die."
"You sure 'bout that, Kamran?"
"Sure I'm sure! I been there, I know things!"
Akhtar was charged in indictments unsealed Tuesday with violating immigration and naturalization laws and making a materially false statement, according to U.S. Attorney Gretchen Shappert. At a hearing Tuesday morning, a federal magistrate ordered Akhtar held on criminal charges; he had been in the custody of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. A detention hearing was scheduled for Friday. The federal prosecutor listed Akhtar as a resident of the New York City borough of Queens and said he also went under the name Kamran Shaikh.
Posted by: Dan Darling 2004-08-11