
Moslem Family Honorably Guarantees Daughter's Safety, Then Kills Her
From iafrica.com
Jordanian police are questioning two brothers who allegedly killed their married sister in an "honour crime" over the weekend, the Jordan Times newspaper reported ... The men crushed her skull with the butt of a machine-gun in broad daylight on a street in a Amman suburb as bystanders watched helplessly, one official told the newspaper. The victim and her brothers were not identified. Initially the woman's brothers tried to shoot her to death inside the family home with the gun but she ran out to the street to ask for help, the source said. "Her brothers follower her, pinning her to the ground while one of them beat her repeatedly with the machine-gun until he made sure she was dead," the official said, adding that an autopsy showed she died of a crushed skull.

The victim was allegedly involved in an extramarital affair and was detained in a women's prison "for her own safety" but was released to her family last week after they signed a letter guaranteeing her safety, the source said. The brothers said they killed her to protect "the family's honour". ....
Posted by: Mike Sylwester 2004-08-12