
Call sign: Boston strangler
EFL:Thomas Wright was one of John F. Kerry's fellow Swift boat officers in Vietnam. Since Wright outranked Kerry, he was Kerry's sometime boat group Officer-in-Charge, so Wright had occasion to observe Kerry's behavior and attitudes, and the circumstances surrounding his early departure from the war zone. The intervening years have not dimmed his memories. When the Swift boats of Coastal Division 11 sailed into harm's way from their Phu Quoc Island base of An Thoi, for missions along the rivers of Vietnam's southwesternmost Kien Giang and An Xuyen provinces, they communicated by radio. When they did, boat captains adopted distinctive, often humorous call signs for identification purposes. Eldon Thompson was "Mary Poppins," William Schachte was "Baccardi Charlie," James T. Grace was "Twiggy," and Tom Wright was "Dudley Do-Right." When John Kerry radioed another Swift boat, he used the call sign, "Boston Strangler."
Who knew our boy Johnny was such a bloodthirsty type?
Working with call sign "Boston Strangler" became problematical. "I had a lot of trouble getting him to follow orders," recalls Wright. "He had a different view of leadership and operations. Those of us with direct experience working with Kerry found him difficult and oriented towards his personal, rather than unit goals and objectives. I believed that overall responsibility rested squarely on the shoulders of the OIC or OTC in a free-fire zone. You had to be right (before opening fire). Kerry seemed to believe there were no rules in a free-fire zone and you were supposed to kill anyone. I didn't see it that way."
Kill Krazy Kerry

Posted by: Steve 2004-08-12