
Government Slashes 2015 Obamacare Sign-Up Forecast 30%
HHS Drops 112,000 From Coverage Because They Couldn't Prove Their Immigration Status

  • Congressional Budget Office projected 13 million signups by March 31, 2015

  • Now HHS Secretary Sylvia Burwell says her goal is 9.1 million, but that number depends on keeping 5.9 million of last year's enrollees

  • About 112,000 people lost coverage since the end of the last open enrollment period because they couldn't prove they were US citizens or legal residents

  • Administration's own projections could fall apart if more than 17 per cent of 2013-2014 enrollees drop their coverage in year two

  • Burwell said Monday that the White House will win the second Supreme Court challenge to Obamacare
    ... aka the Affordable Care Act, an ineptly designed and worse executed piece of legislation designed to bring 17 percent of the U.S. economy under the direct control of the government. The previous iteration, known as Hillarycare, was laughed out of Washington. This stinker was passed on a party-line vote without being read...
  • A repeal is 'not something that this administration will let happen' - Burwell
    Posted by: trailing wife 2014-11-11
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=404005