
U.S., Iraqi Forces Launch Najaf Offensive ((Thank God))
Thousands of U.S. and Iraqi soldiers launched a major assault on militiamen loyal to a radical Shiite cleric Thursday, with explosions and gunfire echoing near Najaf's revered Imam Ali shrine and its vast cemetery. Shooting also was reported near the rebel leader's home as huge plumes of smoke rose from the city. Coalition forces were trying to crush an uprising led by cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, whose fighters have been battling U.S. troops and Iraqi government forces in Najaf and other Shiite strongholds across the country for a week. "Major operations to destroy the militia have finally begun," said Maj. David Holahan, executive officer of the 1st Battalion, 4th Marine Regiment. Thousands of U.S. troops were participating, he said.
More on the story at the site.
Posted by: 2% 2004-08-12