
UK journalist kidnapped in Basra
A British journalist has been abducted from his hotel in the city of Basra.
James Brandon, a freelance reporter for the Sunday Telegraph, was kidnapped after 30 masked gunman stormed into his hotel at 2300 (1900GMT) on Thursday. Hours later a video tape was released showing a hooded militant standing next to a barechested Mr Brandon, threatening to kill him. Iraqi militants have been waging a kidnapping campaign against westerners in recent months. The video shows a militant threatening to kill Mr Brandon if US forces did not pull out from the Shia holy city of Najaf in 24 hours. "We demand the American forces withdraw from Najaf within 24 hours or we will kill this British hostage," the militant is heard saying. "I'm a journalist, I just write about what is happening in Iraq... [I'm] James Brandon from the Sunday Telegraph," Mr Brandon says to the camera.
Allegations he was nabbed by men in Police uniforms - pics in The Times show armed Iraqi Police joining in yesterday's protests in Basra. Rat bastards.
Posted by: Howard UK 2004-08-13