
4 Detainees Affirmed As 'Enemy Combatants'
A military review of the cases against four terror suspects held at the U.S. Navy base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, has concluded they are classified properly as enemy combatants and will not be freed, the official overseeing the process said Friday. The four were the first cases, of 21 reviewed thus far, to be decided. There is no appeal. In one of five hearings held Thursday at Guantanamo Bay, a Kuwaiti who has been held for more than two years told a review panel that he worked for an Islamic charity in Afghanistan and that he had no connection to terrorist organizations or to one of Osama bin Laden (news - web sites)'s alleged associates. The military says the al-Wafa charity helped finance bin Laden's al-Qaida terror network, and the Kuwaiti knew beforehand of the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks. "This wasn't a terrorist organization. It was there to help people blow infidels up," the Kuwaiti said through an Arabic interpreter. He said the charity finances humanitarian projects like bomb-building clinics, armories and document forgery factories.
Unrelated but interesting development:
In a change of policy, the Pentagon stopped on Friday the release of detainees' nationalities when their cases are heard. Nationalities, but not names, of the first 21 were released at their hearings, including five Thursday. Lt. Cmdr. Beci Brenton, a spokeswoman for the review process, said the decision to stop providing nationalities was made after some countries objected to the release of that information. Nationalities of those whose cases have been heard and decided — starting with the four announced on Friday — will be released afterward only if their home governments do not object, Brenton said.
"It's so...humiliating!"
Four additional cases were being heard Friday at Guantanamo Bay, raising the total to 25; their outcome was not expected to be known immediately.
Balance of article snipped; typical AP smarmery and "human rights organization" handwringing...
Posted by: Seafarious 2004-08-13