
Pastor's House Torched in Pakistan.
Rev. Khalid Soomro had his house set ablaze in an attack by Muslim extremists on July 27, 2004. Reverend Soomro has since gone into hiding. The Pakistan Christian Post reports on what Rev. Soomro has been doing in Pakistan (keep in mind the English is a little rough having been translated no doubt from Arabic). Also of note is that the Pastor is a volunteer for the Pakistan Christian Post:
Rev. Khalid Soomro has translated the New International Version (NIV) in[to the] Sindhi language. Rev. Soomro is serving Jesus Christ since 1985 in Karachi. His service includes, distribution of the Holy Bible, conducting of Bible Courses on [the] Internet and reaching and teaching [the] Bible in people's home. He has reprinted or saved many "Urdu" books. His services are not only recognized in Pakistan but internationally. Rev. Khalid Soomro belongs to "Shikarpur" District in [the] Sindh Province. Lord has blessed him abundantly especially on the doctrine of "Trinity". Pope John Paul has given him [an] award.

One of the eMail threats that Soomro received is printed in an updated article on the Pakistan Christian Post:
Mr.Khalid Mansoor Soomro

I am editor of (Zarb-e-Momin) a large weekly-circulated newspaper. I come to know that you become kafir (infidel) and left Islam, and you are working against Islam in an Islamic country. This is too much.

Behave yourself and repent and again enter into Islam, otherwise, our youths will be forced to make you human being .I have read your testimonies and know about your activities. This is the first and last warning to you, your family and your whole network. If I heard any negative activity on your end then we will be on right path to punish you.

Your father

Haji Abdul Rasheed
Pakistan Christian Post notes that the Zarb-e-Momin is connected with the Al Qaida Terror Network through the Al Rasheed Trust which is banned in Pakistan but is still publishing there. Noted too, is a Reverend Stephen Nazir who also received threatening eMails from this group. He has gone into hiding too.
Posted by: Gulshan 2004-08-14