
PA condemns Kalandiya attack, calls for armed police
After all, it worked so well before...
The United States and the Palestinian Authority condemned Wednesday's bombing at the Kalandiya checkpoint north of Jerusalem, in which two Palestinians were killed and six border policemen wounded. "In our view, this once again underscores the need for the Palestinian leadership to take immediate and credible steps to end terror and violence," said State Department spokesman Adam Ereli.
We say that every time, don't we?
PA Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei called it an attack against Palestinian interests. "Absolutely, it is not beneficial for the Palestinian people and its struggle," he said after a meeting with five US congressmen — Democrats and Republican — led by Rep. Christopher Shays (R-Conn).
... and he says that every time, too.
He said the PA can only act against terror and lawlessness if armed policemen are allowed to deploy in West Bank towns as they are in the Gaza Strip. The police must be armed "to control the situation, bring back dignity to the PA and impose the rule of law," Qurei said.
He's got a point, y'know. The cops on duty can't be expected to use the same guns they use when they're off duty...
Qurei called upon the Americans "to play an active role, instead of offering advice to both sides like the pope." PA Negotiations Minister Saeb Erekat told The Jerusalem Post he is waiting for a response from Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's bureau chief, Dov Weisglass, to his proposal to hold a high level security meeting regarding the deployment of West Bank police. At the meeting the two sides would discuss the number of policemen, their deployment and type of weapons, based on the existing agreements, he said.
I see a request for a shipment of coal to Newcastle arms and ammunition coming. Am I psychic?
Erekat said he contacted the Americans and other Quartet members urging them to pressure Israel to hold a security meeting and let the police carry light weapons. Palestinian officials were angered by press reports saying that Sharon objects to an armed police force in West Bank towns. "[Palestinian Authority chairman Yasser] Arafat finally agreed to unite the security services into three and pass control of the civil police to Abu Ala [Ahmed Qurei] but now Israel is blocking the security measures by delaying a security meeting," an aide to Qurei said. "It is impossible for the PA to face armed gangs without guns... we can't even control the traffic without guns."
[KERBLAM!] "I said no left turn, dammit!"

Posted by: Fred 2004-08-14