
Palestinians call for reforms in full-page newspaper ads
By The Associated Press and DPA
14/08/2004 21:20
More than 140 Palestinians, including cabinet ministers, signed a full page advertisement in local newspapers Saturday calling for "immediate wide-ranging reforms" in the Palestinian Authority and its security services. The signatories condemned lawlessness in the Palestinian territories as well as political assassination, and urged "serious work" to root out corruption.
Serious work = Seething, rioting, internecine murder and, of course, blaming the Jews.
The advertisement called for conducting national and local elections, fair and balanced distribution of resources and resorting to national and democratic dialogue to resolve internal disputes.
Here in the west, we call that "representative government" and "rule of law." Perhaps you're unfamiliar with such advanced electoral and judicial concepts.
It also stressed "the right of our people to resist occupation, settlements and aggression, while keeping civilians from both sides outside the cycle of violence."
Sounds like a thinly veiled endorsement of continuing terrorism while decrying any Palestinian casualties. Tough sh!t boys and girls, try stopping the mass murder before you squawk about "keeping civilians from both sides outside the cycle of violence."
The 144 endorsers of the plea included cabinet ministers, parliament members, leaders of the ruling Fatah movement and their last two remaining intellectuals. Among them was Palestinian parliament member and former information minister Nabil "Pegleg" Amr, who is undergoing treatment in Germany following an assassination attempt at his Ramallah home last month which resulted in the amputation of his leg.
Had enough of the "cycle of violence," have you, Nabil?

Palestinian university graduates storm PA building
More than 100 unemployed university graduates stormed a PA building in a Gaza Strip refugee camp Saturday, calling on the Palestinian leadership to provide them with jobs.
"We give them bomb vests and Kassam rockets but still these impossible-to-satisfy youths want more! We have nothing else to give (seeing as how the treasury was completely looted years ago)."
The incident, which ended peacefully after about two hours, was the latest sign of discontent with the beleaguered Palestinian Authority. The graduates - all of them unarmed - said the authority had promised them employment and failed to live up to its obligation.
"Where are all those Egyptian guns and grenade launchers you promised us?"
"We have asked all those in charge and all the members of the Palestinian Legislative Council to find a solution for our situation by finding us jobs, but no one is listening to us," said Shadi Shaath, a leader of the protesters. He said the protesters left the building because they weren't sufficiently armed or prepared for a lengthy standoff, but he promised further action in the coming days if Palestinian officials don't respond.
"If you do not respond, we will be forced to ... complain a second time!"
A series of kidnappings and violent demonstrations have plagued the Gaza Strip and West Bank in recent weeks.
None of it caused by Israel either.
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's plan to pull out of all Gaza and four West Bank settlements next year has caused a power struggle as rival Palestinian factions maneuver for leadership positions ahead of the proposed withdrawal.
Once the carnage is over, Sharon will confess that it was all a ruse to keep Israeli ammunition expenses down.
Palestinians have also shown growing discontent with the PA, which is headed by Yasser Arafat, accusing it of widespread corruption and ineffectiveness.
Hey! This is supposed to be a news article, not ancient history.
Last Thursday, dozens of homeless Palestinians, led by gunmen, stormed the governor's office in Gaza's battered Rafah refugee camp, evicting officials and charging that Yasser Arafat's PA is not helping them. The standoff ended four hours later after officials pledged to help the people find unbulldozed housing. In the past few weeks, the turmoil has trickled from Gaza to the West Bank, where more and more orphaned Palestinians have begun to voice criticism of Arafat's corruption-plagued regime and demand reforms.

Posted by: Zenster 2004-08-14