
Ex Muslim has idea for turning Islam into Real Religion of Peace
basically the idea is to formally negate the harsh Medina verses that justify violence - this was from an Aug 14 opinion piece.
"...The deadly weapon that the Muslim terrorists carry is the Quran. It tells them, and commands them, among others, to carry out the following actions against the Pagans, the Jews and the Christians:

1. "Let not the believers take for friends or helpers Unbelievers rather than believers
...[author lists a number of other violence justifying verses]...
The matter being as such, one needs to ask the Muslims Apologists as to why these apparently hateful verses should remain in the Quran, when they are not supposed to be applicable in the lives of Muslims today. They must also explain as to what lessons the readers of the Quran are supposed to derive from many of its apparently violent passages. If the instructions to murder, which are embedded in many verses of the Quran, are not intended for the present-day Muslims, then why not remove these verses from the Quran, so that it can really be a book from which Muslims could learn nothing, but the lessons of love, kindness, forgiveness and unconditional respects for other religions.

Are Muslims willing, and prepared, to turn the Quran into a real "Holy Book," thereby ensuring the survival of mankind on earth in peace and harmony?

Posted by: mhw 2004-08-15