
Some 8,000 Palestinian detainees to launch hunger strike Sunday
Some 8,000 Palestinians held in crowded Israeli jails plan to launch a mass hunger strike Sunday to demand improved detention conditions despite a warning from Israeli authorities that the action will be futile, Palestinian officials said.
Actually, given enough time, this could prove quite useful. Some 8,000 dead Palestinian suspects could prove quite a boon.
An official with a prisoner defense group based in Bethlehem, Abu Mohammed, said Saturday that virtually all 8,000 Palestinians serving prison terms, awaiting trial or in "administrative detention" -- not yet charged -- will join the action. But Israeli Internal Security Minister Tzahi Hanegbi was quoted by public radio as saying: "We will concede nothing. From my point of view they can continue their movement to the death."
Smart man, that Minister Tzahi. Never negotiate when you hold the winning hand.
He added: "All the terrorists' demands are aimed in fact at making it easier to organize attacks in the prisons." For his part, Israeli prison commissioner Yaakov Ganot told reporters that if the movement went ahead, the prisoners "will lose all their privileges, family visits will be canceled and the prisoners will be deprived of television and radio." The inmates, including around 600 serving life sentences, say they will take only liquids and have threatened to "martyr themselves" if their demands are not met.
Martyr away, you maggots.
Posted by: Zenster 2004-08-15