
First Rantburg Photoshop Contest

While we at the Burg are not anything like Worth1000.com, we do enjoy a good image. To that end, see the image in this post? We think Pudgy Fat Boy Suet Face Kim Jong Un doesn't look quite "right".

We think you can help.

We propose a contest: modify Pudgy's image in this pic so as to make it more 'truthy' to the world and more entertaining to us. Given what happened to the movie "The Interview" and the spittle that comes from KCNA any time the Norks perceive that their dearest midget leader has been insulted, we think this is a great time to show them what we think of the corpulent, pestilent dwarf.

You may recall that someone photoshopped a similar pic of Pudgy's evil daddy to wear a bunny suit. That works here as well but be creative.

The winning entry is one that makes Fat Boy the object of greatest ridicule. We hope the winning entry will be circulated widely around the internet. The winner receives accolades, our gratitude, and a year subscription to the Burg.

Please observe these rules:

1) JPG files only
2) no larger than 110K
3) no larger than 500 pixels wide at 72 pixels per inch
4) nothing obscene or salacious by Rantburg standards
5) you can combine elements from other images but the final entry must be recognized as having started from the contest image above
6) enter as may times as you like, but each image should be different

You can forward your entries in a reply to this post. Alternately you can email your entry to: fred-at-rantburg-dot-com (if you can't figure that out you shouldn't be using email, or a computer, or oxygen).

Good luck and happy photoshopping!
Posted by: Steve White 2014-12-22