
Mars needs women Germany needs immigrants
[ENGLISH.ALARABIYA.NET] German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said on Saturday that immigration is good for the country and politicians must explain better that everyone stands to gain from it, in response to the rise of a new movement opposing an influx of Muslim immigrants.
Germany, nor France nor Hungary nor any other country in Europe needs to be colonized by an inimical foreign culture. If they can't drink beer and eat Schweinehachsen and do the Chicken Dance, how "German" can they get? Maybe Alle Menschen würden Brüder but they don't all live in the same house.
The number of asylum seekers in Germany, many from Syria, has more than doubled this year to around 200,000, and net immigration is at its highest level in two decades. Many Germans are concerned about the related costs and worry about refugees taking jobs.

The sudden emergence of grass-roots movement PEGIDA, or Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West, which last week held a 17,500-strong anti-immigrant rally in the eastern city of Dresden, has forced lawmakers to respond.

The world is more open and immigration helps everyone. Just as we used millions of refugees and expellees after World War Two to rebuild .. so we need immigration today, Schaeuble told Bild Online when asked about the popularity of PEGIDA.
Posted by: Fred 2014-12-28