
Ukrainian peace talks have stalled again

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By Chris Covert

With a prisoner exchange ongoing, and without a further discussion of the issues on the table, peace talks held in Minsk have stopped, according to Russian language news accounts.

Now dubbed by Russian language media as Minsk 2, the talks with the tripartite contact group consisting of the heads of state of Ukraine, Russia and Germany were expected to go into Saturday, but now, with representatives of the two breakaway republics of Donetsk and Lugansk demanding a revision of the September Minsk Peace Accord -- and at least Ukrainian officials refusing to talk unless the original Minsk agreement is complete -- the talks have been halted without even a notice to the press.

Previously, it was announced from the Ukrainian government that humanitarian supplies from their government would be delivered to areas the Ukrainians control, and it had been speculated among rebel media that talks could begin over the lifting of the economic embargo of rebel held territory, a deal that rebels say must be concluded before talks can start on completing the Minsk agreement.

The impasse has led an unidentified Ukrainian official to declare that the Donetsk and Lugansk representatives were "incompetent" and "unable to make a decision".

But from the beginning, Ukraine's stance has been singular: complete the ceasefire agreement by disarming, something the rebels have steadfastly refused to do.

The Russian language pro rebel Voice of Sevastopol said that another problem in reaching a solution to the peace talks is the line of demarcation set last September. Part of it runs through Donetsk city, and has been a constant beef from the rebel side.

Fighting in Donetsk

Pro rebel media said that firefights have been ongoing in the vicinity of Peski Thursday, which is a suburb of Donetsk city, using mortars and small arms against rebel positions.

The fighting near Peski continued into December 25th. Rebel media reported Ukrainian tank gunfire was laid against rebel positions at Oktyabrskaya mine.

Ukrainian military journalist Dmitriy Tymchuk said that fighting had broken out between "local insurgents" and "Russian mercenaries" said to be from Chechnya, and that wounded were reported on both sides Friday near Makiivka, an eastern district of Donetsk city.

Tymchuk also reported rebel artillery fire near Dokuchazhevsk, south of Donetsk city, an operational area for "Russian mercenaries".

Fighting also continued Thursday near Gorlovka, northeast of Donetsk city, where rebels and Ukrainian military units have been fighting over a road that links Gorlovka and Dzerzhinsk, to the west.

According to the Voice of Sevastopol, Ukrainian tanks struck at areas in northern Gorlovka, but the rebels responded with their own tanks and with heavy 152mm self propelled artillery. Most of the fighting took place between nearby Mayorsk and Shumy, while local residents, according to rebel media, said that some of the fighting took place closer to Gorlovka.

Dmitri Tymchuk said that on Friday rebel units were firing on Ukrainian Army positions near Gorlovka using D-30 122mm towed artillery in a direct fire role, and that the area has been reinforced by the rebels with a total of five tanks along with a total of 12 cargo trucks.

On Friday, the fighting continued overnight, according to the Voice of Sevastopol, as Ukrainian artillery units fired 120mm and 82mm mortar into rebel positions at Mayorsk. The tank battle continued as well, with rebel media reporting unspecified Ukrainian losses.

Ukrainian forces shelled northwestern outskirts of Gorlovka as well from their positions in Shumy using tanks, armored personnel carriers and small arms fire. The Michurino district in Gorlovka was hit by 82mm and 120mm mortar fire. One unidentified man was wounded in the shelling.

Fighting near Stanitsa Luganskaya

Rebel media reported that a Ukrainian probe consisting of a rifle company and five tanks was driven back by rebel artillery fire near Valuiskoye Thursday.

A separate report said that Ukrainian artillery fire hit nearby settlements of Zelyonaya Roscha, Vesyolenkoye, Bolotnoye, Valuiskoye, at Kolesnikovka and Olkhovskoye, and that rebel losses totaled four killed, 15 wounded and, one Ural transport truck, one tank, two technicals (armed commercial pickup trucks) and one 82mm mortar destroyed.

The same report said that in the fighting the Ukrainians lost ten killed, 30 wounded, one APC, two tanks, three Ural transport trucks, five 82mm mortars and two self propelled 120mm mortar vehicles, known as the 2S9 "Nona".

Another report said that the Ukrainian Battalion "Chernigov" was hit by rebel artillery fire, and that Ukrainian units inside Stanitsa Luganskaya responded with mortar and small arms fire against rebel positions. Fighting was also reported near Pervomaisk-Popasnaya.

Fighting near Lopaskino in Lugansk

Fighting erupted along the North Donetsk River as rebels continue to try to establish a bridgehead near Slavyanoserbsk, which both sides have been fighting for for at least two months.

According to the report with the Voice of Sevastopol, Ukrainian artillery fire fell on the settlements of Vesyoaya Gora, Rayovka and Prishib near from Ukrainian positions at Stary Aidar and Schastye. The Ukrainian military units firing used mortars, anti-aircraft guns, rocket-propelled grenades and small arms in their attacks.

On Friday, Ukrainian artillery fire hit the locality of Lopaskino, fire so intense rebel units were forced to abandon Lopaskino. A quick rebel counterattack retook the town, but Ukrainian artillery fire continued.

According to the report, rebel losses over the two day period amounted to 12 killed, 50 wounded and one IFV, two tanks and three howitzers destroyed. The rebel report estimated Ukrainian losses at unknown number of dead, 100 wounded, three IFVs, one APC, two tanks, five mortars, four AA-mounted artillery.

Dmitri Tymchuk reported that a rebel armored group consisting of four tanks and six armored vehicle fired on Ukrainian positions at Trokhizbenka, on the left bank of the North Donetsk River.

Trokhizbenka and Lopaskino are near highway T1303, a road formerly held by Ukrainian police units. Tychuk said that a battery of 2S1 SP artillery vehicles were observed deploying and displacing at various points near the highway.

Chris Covert writes about foreign military issues for Rantburg.com. He can be reached at grurkka@gmail.com. You can read past articles about the 2014 war in southeastern Ukraina by clicking here.
Posted by: badanov 2014-12-28