
Houthi chief threatens to seize oil-rich Yemen province
The head of Yemen’s Houthi militia threatened on Saturday to take control of the oil-rich Marib province, targeted by the group since it seized the capital and central areas three months ago.

“If official authorities do not assume their responsibilities, (we) will act to support the honourable people of Marib,” Abdelmalek Al Houthi said in a televised address to supporters in Sanaa.

Yemen has been dogged by instability since an uprising forced longtime strongman Ali Abdullah Saleh from power in 2012, with Huthi rebels and Al Qaeda seeking to fill the power vacuum.

The Houthis, also known as Ansarullah, overran Sanaa unopposed in September and have since advanced into mainly Sunni parts of the country. They have been met with fierce resistance by Al Qaeda and Sunni tribal fighters.

Houthi accused “certain” tribesmen of wanting to hand over Marib to “Al Qaeda and the takfiris,” a reference to the Islamist Al Islah movement that has fought alongside Al Qaeda’s Yemen franchise against the Shia group.

On Thursday, Sunni tribesmen ambushed a military convoy travelling between Marib and Sanaa and seized heavy weapons they claimed were destined for the Houthis, tribal sources and witnesses said. Three soldiers died during ensuing clashes, according to Yemen’s High Security Commission, which demanded late Friday that the tribesmen return the seized equipment.
Posted by: Steve White 2015-01-04