
Wiretapping probe nets 34 policemen in Turkey
Turkish authorities on Monday detained at least 34 police officers in a new wave of raids over the illegal eavesdropping of top officials including President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, state media said.

Police conducted raids in 13 cities across Turkey and detained officers accused of wiretapping key figures including businessmen, politicians and government officials, Anatolia news agency reported.

The dawn raids, targeting mostly police intelligence unit officers, were carried out simultaneously in mainly eastern and southeastern cities including Erzurum, Gaziantep, Hatay and Tunceli.

The swoop was the latest in a series of raids since July last year which saw dozens of other policemen arrested for allegedly wiretapping Erdogan and other officials.

A trial opened on Friday of 13 suspects accused of setting up bugs to eavesdrop on Erdogan while he was prime minister, including his former top bodyguard and the head of the prime minister’s security department.
Posted by: 2015-01-06