
Venezuela's Maduro in OPEC kingpin Saudi for talks - "Please Please Please"

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro was in OPEC's leading oil producer Saudi Arabia for talks Sunday, officials said, after he visited Iran to discuss the impact of plummeting crude prices.

Venezuela has said it is willing to cut production to support prices but OPEC decided in November to maintain an output ceiling of 30 million barrels per day.

The decision intensified the price slide that began in the middle of the year, blamed on softer growth in demand and a stronger United States dollar as well as oversupply.

Iran's President Hassan Rouhani, his oil minister and other top officials have criticised Saudi Arabia for not backing steps to bolster prices.
"you're killing us here"
During his meeting with Maduro on Saturday, Rouhani again appeared to single out Riyadh, in remarks carried on the Iranian government's website.
"thank you, Captain Obvious"
"Without doubt, cooperation of countries that are on the same line in OPEC can neutralise the plans of some powers who are against OPEC, stabilising a reasonable price for oil in 2015," Rouhani said.
"about $150/bbl should do it!"
According to the official remarks, Maduro echoed Rouhani, "calling for the cooperation of oil exporting countries to bring back stability."
We got nuthin else!
Posted by: Frank G 2015-01-11