
Israelis to barbecue outside hunger strikers' cells
Israel declared psychological war on hunger-striking Palestinian prisoners today, saying it would barbecue meat outside their cells to try to break their spirit.
"Sammy! Who is bringing the chicken? I have a dozen tri-tips here!"
The 1,700 inmates, seen by Palestinians as symbols of resistance to Israeli occupation, want wardens to stop strip searches, allow more frequent family visits, improve sanitary conditions and install public telephones, supporters said.
Stop strip searches? I remember Dustin Hoffman's character in "Papillon".
In Gaza, about 3,000 Palestinians held a rally in support of the hunger strikers. Khaled al-Batsh, a senior leader of the militant Islamic Jihad group, said gunmen should kidnap "Zionist soldiers and settlers to be swapped for our prisoners."
You attend this rally or you will be the object of an honor killing. . . -Hamas
Please read full story!
Posted by: BigEd 2004-08-17