
Darfur and the Crocodile Tears
From Al Muhajiroun
... The current problems in Darfur are fueled firstly, by the Muslims in the region having become subservient to the enemies of Islam led by the Jews who live in the region. These Jews have met with the militia in Darfur a number of times, supplied them with weapons and even given them training.

Second, is the Eritrean government known for its relationship with Israel and led by a Christian Asyas Aforgi; He is backed by the Jews and the American to play the role of stirring the fitnah.

Third are the Americans. All of these are forces playing a part in igniting the fitnah in the south and west of Sudan to serve the western and Israeli interests. Furthermore, there are also other local forces working for the same western interests, the role of USA is clear like the sun in the middle of the day and hardly needs elaboration.

What is known by necessity in Islam is that the kuffar will be happy and satisfied from the suffering of the Muslims and they do not wish for them any goodness, this is evident in the saying of Allah, "The disbelievers of the people of the book and the mushrikeen do not wish for any goodness to come to you from your lord."

If we know that the people harmed in Darfur are Muslims, we will know for sure about the lie in the tears shed by the kuffar for those 'immigrant' and the oppressed Muslims. .... The matter is not the matter concerning Darfur as they claim; it is a matter regarding Sudan, it is a stage and a part of the global crusade against Islam and Muslims. ....

Since the animosity of the kuffar, the Jews and Christians is not open to debate and whoever denies it is fabricating against Allah; hence it has been decided that the kuffar does not love the Muslims nor wish for them goodness and they wish for them all the hardship, it will become clear for the Muslims the purpose for the intense media coverage and floods of crocodile tears shed for Darfur. ....

Darfur had one of the biggest training camps for Jihad in the time of Sheikh Usama Bin Laden and weapons are available in the hands of the people. ....

Darfur ... was and remained a difficult area upon all the Christians and Jewish missionaries that have been rejected by the Muslims and refused them to enter their countries, Therefore for them, it is necessary for military forces to enter to guarantee and enable those missionary organizations to work to make the Muslims Christians the way it happened in many other areas under the pretext of 'humanitarian aid' .... Bearing in mind the evangelist movement that is considered to be one of the most important political bases for George Bush, for which he is needy for them in order to gain the votes of big portions of the US people, their reason for announcing the killing of the Africans is nothing but a plot to convert the Muslims by using it to turn the Africans whom the Arabs brought to them Islam, by breaking them away from anything to do with the Arabs, including their Islam and their Arabic book the Qur'an. ...

As for the claim that the Arab janjaweed committed crimes against the Muslims in Darfur, we ask, where are you for the crimes committed every 3 second in USA? And for those 35,000 killed annually from gun crime in USA, whereas there is a maximum of 3,000 killed in Darfur? If Bush wishes to capture the votes of the black people, where is he for the 627,000 racist crimes committed in one year 1993? ...

USA tried to make more financial deals with the European community, in particular Britain and France and let them share and divide the goodness of Sudan in order to earn their consent and silence about Iraq, in particular for France who initially rejected the entrance into Iraq, that is why we see the first army to enter Sudan is from France and the second to declare their entrance is Britain, that is the bribe of USA to side with her and not to be an obstacle for her. Bearing in mind the dark history of France with this Ummah and her role in the crusades in the past, Muslims should not forget that history or ignore it, because we know that the kufr of USA and UK and France is the same, the matter between them is disputing over their roles in the light of their own joint interest or reconciled interests or conflicted interests. .... the UK forces are already on their way to Darfur and French forces are already there to collect their bribe. ...

More than that, they wish to attack one of the strongholds of Al Qa'ida in Sudan, where many of the followers of Sheikh Usama Bin Laden are still there. ....

They are drawing their plan to divide Sudan to small states and small provinces as part of the crusaders missionaries in order to re-draw the map of the 'big middle-east' as they call it, which in fact is the Muslim world, it is meant to divide the Muslim countries more and more and make it weaker and to increase its border and racial and nationalistic problems. ...

... our concern is for the humiliated silence of the Sudanese government and her subservience to all their pressure and commands, it is not the first example of her subservience, she was subservient when ordered to exile Abu Abdullah Sheikh Usama Bin Laden, and she was subservient when she was ordered to stop the mujahideen when they fought against the Christian separatists in the south of Sudan, and when she obeyed the order of USA to negotiate with the enemy of Allah .... Verily the Sudanese government failed from the first day that she obeyed the kuffar and permitted them to interfere with her affairs, if she had refused the first time they wished to interfere and if she rose the flag of jihad, all the western countries would have calculated a thousand times before they tried to interfere, but Allah made Sudan face the worse consequences of her sin, verily dignity cannot be achieved by subservience to the kuffar, and it is not part of the political policy to bow to the kuffar, rather the political policy and all the politics in Islam is by obeying Allah exclusively and seeking the dignity for Him and His commands and not for anyone else .... The Sudanese government must reject the interference of the crusaders in her internal affairs, whether it comes from USA or Europe or the UN. The issue of Darfur is an Islamic issue among Muslims, who must look for an Islamic solution for it. ...

The Sudanese armies must enter Darfur and get rid of all agents of the crusaders and prosecute all those agents be they Jews or Christians, and announcing that they have gotten rid of all people who instigated that strife in the region, and to keep forces from the Sudanese army to guarantee security and to distribute the weapons for the people of Darfur and the jihadi movements in order to be prepared for any foreign intervention and moreover, not to permit any international observers to enter into the province of Darfur as they are nothing but spies, they have the American and European agenda. ....

It is a duty upon Muslims in Darfur and all parts of Sudan to start to collect all forms of weapons and to prepare training to be ready for any emergency. They should start now in campaigning and recruiting on an aqeedah level and instilling some facts such as, Al Walaa wal baraa and Jihad, in order to be prepared before the enemy attacks because it is not allowed for us just to await the attack of the enemy, we must prepare for the attack. In addition, the Muslims in the surrounding areas to Sudan, they must be prepared to support their Muslim brothers in case Allah opens the borders of Sudan to be a passage to paradise because paradise is under the shades of swords. .....
Posted by: Mike Sylwester 2004-08-17