
Najaf Police Chief deals with attacks on his family
via Wash Times - EFL
Militants had just kidnapped and dragged his ailing 80-year-old father through the streets. They also beat his brothers until they collapsed. Forty of his men were killed and several were beheaded. It's tough being the police chief of Najaf — the Iraqi city that is sacred to millions of Shi'ites and a battleground pitting Shi'ite militia against U.S. Marines and Iraqi police and national guardsmen. "They told me that I could go in the place of my father," said Chief Ghalib al-Jezairy who is high on the militant hit list. As he spoke late Monday night his father was still being held.
Hang in there, Dad.
The stress and exhaustion showed on the face of the man who is trying to keep morale high in a police force facing thousands of supporters of firebrand cleric Muqtada al-Sadr. Many are holed up inside the sacred Imam Ali shrine in anticipation of a major U.S. offensive. But they still have time to roam the streets, some hoping to fire assault rifles or rocket-propelled grenades at Iraqi police officers, who say they are in dire need of more flak jackets and heavier weapons. "What they did to my father was inhuman. He is a dying old man. They beat my brothers until they fainted," Chief al-Jezairy told reporters as the sound of mortars being fired could be heard in a nearby cemetery that has turned into a battle zone. They beheaded one of his relatives and Sheik al-Sadr's Mahdi's Army militants have gouged out the eyes of some of his officers and boiled them in water, he said.
Oh. Ick. Now that's just not right.

Yes, indeed, Tater is a Holy Man - and certainly negotiations are in order. Right. Death is their just end. Do it, Allawi. Follow through now - or falter and condemn Iraq to perpetual chaos.

Posted by: .com 2004-08-18