
Brian Williams Sits on Board of Congressional Medal of Honor Foundation
[NewsBusters] Oh, the irony -- Brian Williams, the NBC '€œNightly News'€ anchor who fabricated a story about being shot at by an RPG while in a helicopter in Iraq, is '€œa member of the Board of Directors of the Congressional Medal of Honor Foundation,'€ according to his bio on the NBC News website. According to the 990 tax returns for the foundation, Williams has been on the board since at least 2005. He is also listed on the '€œBoard of Directors'€ page on the foundation'€™s website. Williams hosted a panel in October 2013 '€œwhich focused on veterans who received a Medal of Honor, and what they can teach our students,'€ according to Education Week. He has also promoted tributes to Medal of Honor recipients '€œNightly News.'€ On Feb. 4, Stars and Stripes reported that NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams admitted to not being aboard a helicopter that was shot and had to be rescued following RPG fire during the U.S. invasion of Iraq in March 2003. Williams stated that he '€œfeels terrible'€ and '€œwas wrong'€ for not telling viewers that he was instead '€œon the Chinook behind the bird that took the RPG.'€ Despite claiming that he just misspoke, Williams pushed this same story multiple times since 2003, including on CBS'€™s '€œThe Late Show with David Letterman'€ on March 26, 2013.

Brian Williams’ Tall Tales Extend To Katrina, Too

Posted by: Hupineger Glomomp0036 2015-02-06