
Bust Out Orgy - could never happen here!
Twenty-eight hardened criminals busted out of a Brazilian jail after three scantily-clad women seduced the guards with promises of an orgy -- and then drugged them with cheap whiskey.

The three prison wardens were found inside the Nova Mutum public jail near Cuiaba in central Brazil, handcuffed to beds, "Fox & Friends" reported Sunday.

The inmates took the keys and unlocked all the cells and walked right out the front door.

The jailbreak took place early Thursday. Missing along with the inmates were guns and ammunition.

So far, eight of the 28 escapees has been recaptured, Fox & Friends said.

The London Daily Mirror reported the three seductresses left behind a bag of lingerie and dominatrix police uniforms.
Posted by: Skidmark 2015-02-10