
new milk carton candidate
TEHRAN (Reuters) - Farms lie untended and workshops stand silent in an Iranian village after the theft of its 1,300-year-old copy of the Koran, Islam's holy book, state television reports.

Hundreds of villagers from Negel, in Kurdistan province on the Iraqi border, have held a week-long protest at the village mosque demanding officials hunt down the thieves and return the leather-bound Koran to its rightful home.

"The village is dead without its Koran," said one young woman dressed in the all-enveloping black chador.

war on teror in simple if you are use em rite methods. some day maybe chainey is figure that out.

The missing Koran, which is written in the angular kufar Kufic script with gilded page borders, dates from the 7th century, Iran's Tourism and Cultural Heritage Foundation told Reuters.

Hundreds of Negel women were shown now that is surprize protesting outside the village's mosque, wailing and reciting the Koran while brandishing black banners of mourning. "The mourning will continue until the book is found," one of the women said.

The same book went missing in 1992, but the robbers were found after a four-month hunt. The Koran's return prompted rapturous celebrations.

nukes are tend make rapturus celebrashuns to.

Posted by: muck4doo 2004-08-19