
'BNP-Jamaat men are militans'
Awami League Publicity and Publication Secretary Hasan Mahmud has called the members of BNP-Jamaat alliance '€œmilitants.'€

Referring to the ongoing incidents of arsons, he said: '€œThe BNP-Jamaat has turned into a militant organisation. They are burning and killing people in the name of blockade and hartal.'€

He made the statement while addressing a press conference at the prime minister's political office in Dhanmondi on Wednesday afternoon.

Calling the BNP-Jamaat men '€œkillers and terrorists,'€ he further said: '€œWe can not hold dialogue with such party. There will be no talks with the coalition members until they shun the path of militancy.'€

Regarding the proposal on holding dialogue to resolve the ongoing crisis, he said: '€œThere is no necessity of holding dialogue as the government is running the country as per the constitution. A vested quarter is trying to take advantage of the situation by placing such proposals.'€

'€œThe initiators of 1/11, are only seen in such situations and flee the scene afterwards, are trying to hide Khaleda's crimes.'€
Posted by: Fred 2015-02-12