
Lapid: Netanyahu has 'lost touch with reality,' should no longer be Israel's PM
Lapid - who was fired by Netanyahu in December for his outspoken criticism of the prime minister and the government
(there's your problem, right there)
- also lambasted the premier over his controversial address to the US Congress scheduled for two weeks before Israel's March 17 election.

"This speech causes real damage, not only to relations between Israel and the US, but to the justified struggle Israel has waged for years against the Iranian nuclear problem," Lapid charged.
Words fail.
Netanyahu was invited by Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-Ohio) to address a special joint session of Congress and is expected to advocate for a different policy on Iran that US President Barack Obama has pursued.

The prime minister has been criticized for accepting the invitation to speak and breaching the protocol of the White House extending invitations to foreign leaders. Netanyahu has also been accused of using the appearance to influence the Israeli electorate.

According to Lapid, the address has caused Israel to loose influence on American lawmakers who support new sanctions on Iran.
JINO's are not your friend, Mr. Lapid.
"Israel almost had the majority of two-thirds of the American Congress to thwart any veto by the president [Obama] against sanctions, and we lost most of that," Vapid Lapid stated.
(This guy must read lots of fantasy novels in his spare time.)
Democracy as practiced in Israel is a full contact blood sport, akin to American football before helmets, shoulder pads, and cups. Then, too, it's a parliamentary democracy, so it's all about who can build the largest coalition afterward. Key in this election, as far as I can tell, is domestic economic policy; almost everyone believes President Obama is not Israel's friend.

Posted by: Hupineger Glomomp15043 2015-02-15