
Libya must not become ''failed state'', UN must intervene ‐ Maltese PM
Whoops. Too late.
[Libya Herald] The Maltese Prime Minister, Joseph Muscat, has today called for a UN military mission to restore security and order in Libya in order to prevent it from becoming a ‘’failed state’’, the Malta Times reports.

He objected to any form of unilateral action but expressed his backing for Italy'€™s call for UN intervention.

Although Muscat said there was no '™immediate€™ threat' to Malta from the Libyan situation, he felt that the real threat was to the entire Mediterranean region and felt that the illegal migration issue would intensify by the summer if the lack of security and law and order continued in Libya.
Libya could become Switzerland tomorrow and the illegal migration issue would continued unabated.
If Libya is a failed state, there will be a free-for-all situation for criminal gangs running these illegal crossings, Muscat said.
Yes, illegal crossings, gun running, kidnapping, assassination, terrorist infiltration into the continent, the usual.
Posted by: Fred 2015-02-16