
Peaceful Islam in Action in Norway (No I really mean it)
I've been pretty hard on both Radical Islam and those who in the Islamic Community that have given only lip service to "Peaceful Islam".

So I"m always delighted when I see stories like this

In the wake of a deadly shooting attack at a synagogue in Denmark las week, a group of Norwegian Muslims intends to hold an anti-violence demonstration at an Oslo synagogue this coming weekend by forming a "peace ring" around the building

I'm even more encouraged when I see who is organizing this:

One of the event organizers, 17-year-old Hajrad Arshad, explained that the intention was to make a clear statement that Muslims don't support anti-Semitism.

"We think that after the terrorist attacks in Copenhagen, it is the perfect time for us Muslims to distance ourselves from the harassment of Jews that is happening," Arshad told the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation NRK in an interview cited by The Local News website on Tuesday.

She noted that the group aimed to "extinguish the prejudices people have against Jews and against Muslims."

This isn't without risk, there will be some radicals who will not approve of this. This young woman deserves our praise, our encouragement, .....and our protection.

Posted by: Hupineger Glomomp15048 2015-02-19