
False Flag in Moscow? The Boris Nemtsov Assassination, the Anti-Putin Demonization Campaign
[GLOBALRESEARCH.CA] By the way if, as I believe, this is a false flag, I expect it to be a stunning success in the West and a total flop in Russia: by now, Russians already can smell that kind of setup a mile away and after MH-17 everybody was expecting a false flag. So, if anything, it will only increase the hostility of Russians towards the West and rally them around Putin. In the Empire, however, this will be huge, better than Politkovskaya or Litvinenko combined. A "Nemtsov" prize will be created, a Nemtov statue will be placed somewhere (in Warsaw?), the US Congress will pass a "Nemtsov law" and the usual combo package of "democratic hagiography" will be whipped-up.

Nemtsov Murder: Anti-Putin False Flag! — Stephen Lendman
Nemtsov was a Western financed self-serving opportunist. His killing has all the earmarks of a US-staged false flag. Cui bono remains most important.

Clearly Putin had nothing to gain. Rogue US elements have lots to benefit from trying to destabilize Russia. If Putin wanted Nemtsov dead, it's inconceivable he'd order a Mafia-style contract killing. An "unfortunate" plane or car crash would have been more likely. Perhaps cleverly poisoning him the way Obama murdered Chavez and Sharon killed Arafat.

Gunning him down in central Moscow automatically rules out Kremlin involvement. His demise has all the earmarks of a CIA-staged false flag. Expect no evidence whatever surfacing suggesting Putin's involvement.

Nemtsov Murder: Putin Warned 3 Years Ago That This False Flag Might Happen
Already in February 2012 (three years ago!) Putin was warning Russians about exactly the kind of false flag which we just saw happening with the murder of Nemtsov.

Note: the Russian word "provocatsiia" is often translated as "provocation" which is not incorrect as long as you are aware that in Russian "provocation" can mean "false flag", as it does in this context. Putin is clearly warning about a false flag "sacrifice".

As for the "liberal" or "democratic" "non-system" opposition it has already announced that it will convert the planned protest into a memorial rally.

“Putin Much Too Smart To Play Into Washington’s Hands”
I can tell you one thing, and that is that Putin is much too smart to play into Washington’s hands in this way. Moreover, Nemtsov, although a loud mouth, had no impact on Putin’s 85% approval rating. Nemtsov’s support resided in the Washington-funded NGOs in Russia.

CIA Assassinates Nemtsov?
If the CIA assassinated Nemtsov, they killed their own asset. It remains to be seen if the propaganda gains justify the CIA’s loss of a Putin critic.”

From Bloomberg: Putin’s spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, said by phone that “the president noted that there are all the signs that this was a hit and also an extreme provocation.”

Another False Flag Assassination To Blame On Putin’s Russia As A Pretext For Starting WW3
Clearly, the Anglo-American Axis (AAA)* has shown itself willing to conduct any false flag attack, assassination or other operation — ANYWHERE — in order to foment anger and internal strife toward Putin’s highly regarded Kremlin. The main AAA players — the USA, UK and Israel — are all saddled with leaders who command very little, if any respect at all, from their respective citizenries. On the other hand President Putin commands a level of respect, and even reverence, unheard of in modern Russian history.

Not only does this state of affairs rile the AAA leadership, it compels them to fabricate any plot necessary to bring Putin down. In the case of Nemtsov, they knew that Putin himself would be devastated by such a barbaric and callous act. Putin does not have the character to even consider ordering the assassination of an adversary. He certainly does not behave the way that the AAA leaders routinely do. Such as how the Kiev junta, with American, British and European backing, cruelly shot down the commercial airliner Flight #MH17 over the Ukraine killing nearly 300 passengers … and then tried to blame it on Russia and the Russian-speaking rebels.

Caught: The CIA at it again
Following an extensive and immediate baseless media barrage, it gradually came to light that this was a CIA-orchestrated false-flag event, leading the western media to drop the subject. If the CIA can order their Ukrainian puppets to kill 298 innocent men, women, and children to advance their agenda of world conquest, couldn’t they kill their Russian agent Nemtsov to advance that very same agenda?

Then we have another CIA success story, the so-called Maidan coup of 2014. Everyone knows by now that this was a CIA-sponsored event. We even know the price tag: 5 billion dollars (we may note in passing that CIA fascist coups d’état are subject to inflationary pressures too—in 1953, it only cost $100,000 to overthrow Iranian democracy).

As well, to remove the elected president of Ukraine from power, the CIA had Ukrainian snipers killing their own paid protesters in order to successfully turn Ukraine into a fascist dictatorship—and a thorn in Russia’s side. If they can kill their comrades in Kiev, can’t they likewise kill comrade Nemtsov in Moscow?

Obvious false flag operation. Liberal opposition politician, Boris Nemtsov, shot dead in Moscow

No, Putin Did Not Kill Nemtsov. Classic False Flag In Russia.

Nemtsov‬ killing could be a false flag operation of some Western special task forces, think experts

Nemtsov Murder: Anti-Putin False Flag!

Gorbatsjov: “Moord op oppositieleider Nemtsov was false flag”

Breaking news: Mosca, l’omicidio di Boris Nemtsov è l’ennesima false flag?
Posted by: Fred 2015-03-02