
The Tsarnaev Trial, Day 1: Amputee Tells Boston Trial He Saw Alleged Attacker
Born in Kyrgyzstan, he took U.S. citizen in 2012 and has pleaded not guilty to 30 charges over the attacks, the subsequent killing of a police officer, a car jacking and shootout with police while on the run. Defense lawyer Judy Clarke dramatically admitted Wednesday that the brothers were responsible, but put the bulk of the blame on Tamerlan.
[AnNahar] A double amputee who survived the Boston Marathon attacks told court Thursday one of the alleged attackers brushed past him and dropped a backpack moments before the first bomb went kaboom!.

Jeffrey Bauman, who lost both legs in the April 15, 2013 attacks while watching his girlfriend run the race, helped the FBI from his hospital bed to help track down one of the suspects.

Bauman walked into court wearing shorts exposing his prosthetic legs, explaining that full-length pants still trip him up.
Posted by: trailing wife 2015-03-06