
Mothra Attacks Athens!
Giant moths trouble archers
The Olympic archers were expecting strong winds and searing heat -- but giant moths?
Where were the two tiny little singing girls?
A plague of thousands of meaty moths, some up to 7.5 cm (3 inches) long, have swarmed over the Panathinaiko Stadium in central Athens, the home of the first modern Games in 1896 and the venue for the archery at this year's Olympics. Top Korean archer Im Dong-hyun was just about to shoot in the teams competition on Saturday, when one irritatingly fluttered in front of him.
The judges should have awarded extra points for nailing the moths. That would have solved the problem then and there.
Games officials said the moths, from the adjacent National Gardens, were a common summer pest and were attracted to the brightness of the white marble of the terracing and the brilliant artificial grass on the archery range. Earlier in the week, winds blew arrows off course, causing top archers to miss the targets altogether, and baking summer temperatures have kept competitors wiping their brows.
To quote Ringo, "It was 'arrowing."
Posted by: Zenster 2004-08-22