
Venezuela says Maduro opponent commits "suicide" in jail
CARACAS -- An opponent of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro committed suicide in jail, where he had been locked up on charges of fomenting street violence against the socialist government, the Interior Minister said on Friday.

An outraged Venezuelan opposition demanded details surrounding the death of commercial pilot Rodolfo Gonzalez, 64, who was imprisoned in April on accusations of seeking to overthrow the government via massive demonstrations. He had not yet been sentenced.

"Rodolfo Gonzalez took his life by hanging himself," said Interior Minister Gustavo Gonzalez. The state prosecutor's office said it is investigating the death.
I'm sure they are. Have to cover the traces...
The pilot's daughter said he had been anxious about an upcoming transfer to a common Venezuelan jail. Such jails typically are rife with gangs, weapons, drugs and violence.

Reports of a jail transfer are false, said Interior Minister Gonzalez, whom the United States sanctioned earlier this week for alleged human rights violations as head of state intelligence service Sebin.
Posted by: Steve White 2015-03-15