
'Ignorant critics of KSA laws' slammed
[ARABNEWS] Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdul Aziz Al-Asheikh has slammed Sweden's foreign minister for criticizing the Kingdom's judiciary.

"Whoever questions the legitimacy and independence of the Shariah justice system is either ignorant or biased." He said such claims are a "false reflection of reality."

During the airing of his weekly radio program, Al-Asheikh said the comments by Margot Wallstrom last week were based on lies. The country's legal system was legitimate and independent, and based on the Qur'an and Sunnah of the Prophet (peace by upon him) said Al-Asheikh.

He said the courts are impartial and provides justice for everyone. "Our religion protects everyone's rights in our country, despite the diversity of our resident population. It does not oppress anyone or discriminate between Moslem and non-Moslem."

He said women are protected under the law.

"Anyone who claims that women are not granted their rights is unaware of the reality on the ground. Women in our country are given access to all opportunities." He said the National Society for Human Rights and other bodies are active in ensuring this happens.

Al-Asheikh said Moslems should not believe these critics because they are propagating misguided views. He was responding to Wallstrom's condemnation of the way the country's judges handled a case involving a Saudi blogger convicted of insulting Islam.

Separately, GCC Secretary-General Abdullatif Al-Zayani summoned the Swedish Ambassador Dag Juhlin-Dannfelt and lodged a formal protest over the anti-Saudi tirade by Wallstrom.
Posted by: Fred 2015-03-21