
Ukrainian volunteer units ordered to leave Mariupol

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By Chris Covert

All volunteer military units on the Ukrainian side have been ordered to leave Mariupol by April 1st, according to Russian language news accounts.

An unidentified command element in Mariupol issued the order Wednesday.

The new order reflects a major change in policy governing Ukrainian volunteer units, such as Azov battalion, which states that all such units not integrated into either the Ministry of Defense or the Ministry of Interior, must disarm and disband.

According to a news story in tsnesor.net, commander of the 8th Separate Motorized Company, Andrei Cherven said in a news report that he could not leave Mariupol undefended.

According to data supplied by Russian mi8litary analyst Boris Rozhin, two volunteer units are in the Mariupol defense zone, including Azov and Donbass. Artem Lutsak, chief of staff of the 8th Separate Motorized Company characterized the order as a "betrayal".

The 8th Separate Motorized Company is staffed with members of the Right Sector political movement, which has gained a hard earned reputation as a ruthless, vicious political group in Ukraine.

Right Sector is a group funded in part by former Dnepropetrovsk government Igor Kolomoisky, which resigned his post Wednesday. Volunteer militias such as the Azov battalion and its sister units the 8th Separate Motorized Company are funded in part of several Ukrainian oligarchs, not just Kolomoisky. Ukrainian president Piotr Poroshenko has been cracking down on their existence by requiring them to disband or become part of the security services of Ukraine, including the army and Interior Ministry.

The urgency of the change in policy is likely due to the February 12th Minsk Ceasefire which requires all illegal armed groups to disarm, and not just the rebel units.

Leader of the Ukrainian Right Sector, in a separate news account, said that any agreement to disband their groups between the the Ukrainian government and the Donbas rebels are illegal, and that his group reserves the right continue fighting against the rebels despite any orders from the government.

The 8th Separate Motorized Company has been among the most active combat formations in Ukraine, near Shirokino, which is only a few kilometers east of Mariupol, where ongoing skirmishes have been taking place between them and rebel units since early February, despite the ceasefire.

According to rebel media, rebel units in western part of Shirokino have been fined on by Ukrainian mortars five times Tuesday. Sporadic small arms fire has been reported from the Ukrainians as well. Rebel units have been firing small arms fire on Ukrainian units from a house in the western part of Shirokino.

On Monday Ukrainian units, according to rebel media, have been fighting to take and keep parts of Shirokino. The Ukrainian Anti Terrorist Operation said on Monday that Ukrainian units had undergone small arms and mortar fire several times, five by their count, from rebel units.

Mariupol, a port city on the northern coast of the Sea of Azov, has been identified by western sources as the next target of the rebels. However since the end of the battle for Debaltsevo, it is difficult to see how the rebels have much offensive power, given the hammering they took by Ukrainian units last month.

Artillery Fire in Donetsk

Rebel media said Ukrainian artillery hit at in Donetsk city at Peski, the Donetsk airport and St. Iveron monastery Monday. The fire was sporadic. It was reported an unidentified child was killed and four rebel effectives were wounded in the artillery fire.

More artillery fire was reported on the night of March 23rd to March 24th at Peski and the airport. Small arms fire exchanges were reported as well in nearby Avdievka.

Rebel media also reported Ukrainian artillery fire at Gorlovka.

On March 24th the rebel held village of Spartak was shelled several times with mortars coming from Avdievka. Some small arms fire exchanges were recorded as well.

Rebel media said that rebel positions at the airport were hit by Ukrainian artillery positioned at Opytnoye, by their count 15 times. Peskin was hit as well, twice midday.

Rebel said their positions at Gorlovka were hit by Ukrainian mortar teams twice on Tuesday.

Chris Covert writes about foreign military issues for Rantburg.com. He can be reached at grurkka@gmail.com. You can read past articles about the 2014 war in southeastern Ukraina by clicking here.
Posted by: badanov 2015-03-26