
Want to Piss Off Muslims? Learn the 4 Deception Tactics They're Using to Take Over America
[linkis.com] Under the teachings of the Quran and Sharia Law, it is very specific about what Muslims are allowed or not allowed to do. For instance, Muslims are not supposed to lie, be friends with "infidels," or do sinful things such as drink or visit strip clubs. However, there is a caveat to this, and that is if Muslims are pursuing a higher command (such as jihad) they can violate the lower commands of the Quran for the sake of blending in with our society.

Whether you are ready to face reality or not, the fact remains that there is a plan in place to implement Sharia Law into all facets of American society. Adopting Sharia Law in America would be rejected by most Americans, as it calls for the subjugation of women, killing homosexuals, stoning women who commit adultery, cutting off of limbs for anyone caught stealing, and many more ridiculous rules and laws.

In order for Sharia Law to creep into our society, it must be done slowly through highly-honed tactics. And the following are the four Arabic terms that non-Muslims should fully understand in order to combat this deception.
The four listed are vaguely similar to words I would used to describe almost any recent Presidential presser.

Posted by: Hupineger Glomomp52169 2015-03-27