
Meet the Men Behind Hillary Clinton's Private 'Spy Network'
[Weekly Standard] Two big Clinton stories landed last week. The first is that Hillary Clinton destroyed the electronic copies of her State Department emails on her private server after the State Department subpoenaed her emails. The second is that Hillary Clinton had an aide running a "secret spy network" that was, among other things, feeding her information on Benghazi, according to a report by Pro Publica and Gawker. Earlier this month, I noted the myriad ways that Clinton running her own private email server breathes new life into the Benghazi investigation, but this last revelation takes things to a whole new level.

Specifically, this new report suggests that three men -- Sidney Blumenthal, Tyler Drumhiller, and Cody Shearer -- were involved in her private intelligence gathering efforts. Each of these men has a reputation for being associated with scandal.

We only know about Clinton's spy ring because a hacker who goes by the moniker "Guccifer" hacked the email account of former Clinton aide Sidney Blumenthal and posted his emails online. (Guccifer is now serving a prison sentence in his native Romania.) Guccifer's emails reveal Blumenthal was providing Clinton with detailed intelligence briefings on events in the Middle East and running the ad hoc spy ring. This arrangement is very curious, considering that the Obama White House made it clear that they didn't want Blumenthal working for the administration after Hillary Clinton previously tried to formally hire him to work at the State Department.

Posted by: Besoeker 2015-03-31