
Argentine workers strike over taxes; transport paralysed

Argentina's public transport networks ground to a halt on Tuesday, while port workers at the grains export hub of Rosario downed tools and banks shut their doors as a one-day strike to back demands for changes to income-tax rates gripped the country.
Evita's leaving the place in a shambles
The strike caused major disruptions to domestic air travel, while garbage was left piling up on sidewalks and many businesses stayed closed as employees struggled to reach work, frustrating owners already grappling with a weak economy.
broke, so you go on strike? Genius
In the face of high inflation, the transport unions spearheading the strike are demanding Argentina's leftist government raise the minimum threshold on paying income tax.

The unions complain that more workers will have to pay tax if double-digit salary hikes designed to keep pace with inflation are awarded without lifting the threshold for the lowest tax bracket.
you don't get that inflation thing, do you? Friend of Paul Krugman, by any chance?
The government said inflation was 24 percent in 2014, but private economists estimate it was about 35 percent.
Posted by: Frank G 2015-03-31