
Sarah Hoyt: Multiculturalism IS Racism
...What prompted this were clashes between two Australian groups, Reclaim Australia and No Room For Racism.

On the face of it it sounds like the nice narrative we are fed every time something like this happens. I haven't been following the international scene, and frankly it wouldn't even surprise me if Europe headed for nativism and blood-related nationality.

...I'll even accept that given that most of the programs of blood-nationality parties are to put it mildly socialism (but with the goodies going to a different group) it is accurate to call them fascists.

...However, Australia is not in Europe. And going on the self definition of the groups -- and only that. (Note to the idiots who are going to dig out quotes by some figure in Reclaim Australia saying that if you have a tan you should be killed -- I'm only going on the group's self-definition as stated in the article I read.)

So, the protests by Reclaim Australia were according to the article I read for: Around the country Reclaim Australia protesters held rallies to oppose "sharia law, halal tax and Islamisation", where they waved Australian flags and carried signs saying "Yes Australia. No Sharia".

Now you can think whatever you want of those goals, but I look at them and think "They want to keep a more adaptable and successful (in raw terms of giving people a better life) culture from being replaced with a medieval nightmare that makes women into slaves, gay people into corpses and denies people the ability to practice other religions/cultures without paying dearly for it, either with money or blood." (And please, don't tell me burkas are freeing, and gay people REALLY want to be thrown from buildings, and that the tax to be a person of the book but non-Muslim is REALLY freedom of religion. And don't try the nonsense that this only happens in rare and isolated places, either. It happens EVERY TIME that Islam gets the upper hand or the numbers.)

...I don't know if that's what Reclaim Australia wants, or if they're the more extreme form of "no mosques in Australia."

I don't care.

I don't care not because I don't see a difference between those positions (I do. I'd oppose the latter on principle) but because the group opposing them is not the "pro-islamicization group" or even the "no discrimination against religions group."

No, the group opposing them is No Room for Racism.

This means that the problem they have isn't even the problem that's actually being fought over.

In other words, this is like if you had a problem because your car blew a tire, and someone pulled over and started arguing what type of seats you should have.

It is also entirely predictable.

The left can't argue the actual problems and their actual causes, so it defaults to insane accusations and running around screaming what are (at least to them, but also to a vast portion of mal-educated young) trigger words: racism! Sexism! White supremacism!

...Anyway, to return to the point of this post -- yes, I have one -- the problem is that a lot of people on the left have evolved this bizarre theory of race/culture.

...[It goes] something like this "Language and costumes are tied to your race. Trying to get an immigrant to learn a new language/integrate in the culture he immigrated to is aggression, since you're supposed to keep your culture, because it's part of your race. To want you to change is racist."

...And that is what caught me about the confrontations in Australia. Not that they're clashing over muslims, no. That half of these people think race equals culture.

And that is the epistemological error that can put paid to Western Civilization unless it's combated every time we meet it.
Ok, I begin to understand leftards objections to Zionism---Jews should be noble victims.
Posted by: g(r)omgoru 2015-04-05