
Sapling planted in Michael Brown's memory destroyed
Officials in Ferguson, Missouri, say they will replace two recently planted saplings this week, including one planted in memory of 18-year-old Michael Brown.

The St. Louis Post-Dispatch (http://bit.ly/1yKcJeM ) reports that both trees were found damaged Sunday. They were planted in January in Wabash Park and had been donated by the Black Caucus of the American Library Association.
Maybe plant one of these instead. Somewhere way out in the desert would be good.
One of the trees was dedicated to Brown, who was fatally shot by Ferguson officer Darren Wilson in August, setting off months of protests. The second sapling was dedicated by a Ferguson resident to a dead pet.
Shoulda left this one alone.
City officials say both trees were chopped off at the trunk. Concrete plaques placed at the bases of both trees were taken.
Posted by: gorb 2015-04-21