
VDH: Fall Of The House Of Clinton
a blistering indictment of the Grifters and their Liberal enablers. A taste:
The Democrat Party's investment in Hillary Clinton is too substantial for any such reckoning. Liberals have embraced the Cold-War cliche ‐ "of course, he is a SOB, but he's our SOB." Translated to Hillary that means she is a tough political brawler, she's on their side, and she's all they got ‐ and therefore anything such an asset does is more or less tolerable in an imperfect world. Democrats expect her to weather this mess. Each time she does so, the next and more egregious scandal becomes more "old news." The family's Nietzschean creed is that any scandal that does not kill off their careers makes a Clinton stronger. Despite the dozen or so ethical scandals that will inevitably arise over the next two years, Hillary Clinton will be nominated by the Democrats and has at least a 50/50 chance of being elected president. The Democratic elite will call her survival "fully vetted" and "time tested."

But all that said, the House of Clinton has utterly collapsed in a moral sense. The very name Clinton is now synonymous with amorality and will be so for the rest of American history. It is not that the Clintons are immoral and thus break existing moral canons and laws; rather they operate completely outside of any moral universe. To them, there is no such thing as moral or immoral, legal or illegal, ethical or unethical, only whether their aim is judged lucrative and the means to obtain it without serious liability. A form, a disclosure, a protocol for a Clinton is not a question of signing it as required or not signing it; rather, for them, such a requirement simply does not exist. Clintons do not erase emails; they destroy the server to ensure erased emails are erased for good.
Posted by: Frank G 2015-04-29