
Soddy Warplanes Strike Targets in Sanaa
[Al Manar] The Saudi warplanes struck the area of Saawan in Yemen's Sanaa killing or injuring dozens of civilians, including mainly widows and orphans

The Saudi air raids also targeted the residential and commercial buildings in Hijja and Saada province.

The Yemeni army, backed by the popular committees, advanced in the province of Abyan after expelling Qaeda terrorists from several areas.

The popular committees captured the drone, which had parachute landed due to a technical fault, while patrolling the area on Friday.

Yemen has been since March 26 under brutal aggression by Saudi-US coalition. Riyadh launched the attack on Yemen in a bid to restore power to Yemen’s fugitive president Abdrabbu Mansour Hadi who is a close ally to Saudi Arabia.

On April 21, Saudi Arabia declared the end of the aggression, dubbed “Decisive Strom”. However, the Saudi-led warplanes are still conducting airstrikes on several areas across Yemen.

More than 3,500 people were martyred by the Saudi aggression, most of them are civilians. Thousands more were injured.
Posted by: badanov 2015-05-03