
Isil opens five-star hotel with excellent TripAdvisor reviews in Mosul
[Telegraph] Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil) has opened a five-star hotel boasting excellent TripAdvisor reviews for its commanders in jinn-infested Mosul.
Folks staying there already?
According to reports in Arabic language media, the jihadist group has reopened the Ninawa Hotel in Iraq's second-largest city.
How's the service? They won't keep their rating on fine surroundings alone -- it's service that makes all the difference. At at the top rating the staff are proud participants... not cowed kaffir slaves. Not that barbarians can be expected to tell the difference.
The 262-room hotel is thought to be the first accommodation of its type in the self-proclaimed caliphate.
Come for the nice sheets and continental breakfast, stay for the beheadings.
Posted by: Mullah Richard 2015-05-06