
ISIS is Still Dying to Capture Kobane
[YPGROJAVA] ROJAVA, Cizire -- A military campaign to liberate the rural area of Canton Cizîre, initiated by People's/Women's Defense Units on May 6, is effectively continuing to this time. During a range of military operations -- all conducted to eliminate the threat of Daesh (ISIS) gunnies on western borderline of Cizîre Canton, and to build security measures within the area -- severe blows have been inflicted to the terrorist groups.

Last night in Alya area, Serêkanîye countryside, Defense Units managed to liberate the militarily strategic village and wheat silos of Alya which were being used by gunnies as operational centers. During the past 24 hours, the villages that are listed below were also cleansed of terrorist forces: Hews Nasir, Rehaniye Begara, Salihiye Edwan, Sidyan, Qarqer, Misêrfa Remo, Um Hicera, Sheikh Rûcim, El Herbî, Redînî, El Wusta -- small villages: Dirxam, Naîf Berhawî, Mesrû Ebdileziz, Xelef El Huseyn, El Ebû Hesen; terrorists' casualties there couldn't be immediately verified.

In the past 24 hours, our troops were able to seize a large number of weapons and ammunition of terrorist forces, titles and numbers are as follow: 10 G3 rifles, 2 PK machine guns, 17 AK rifles, 16 vz. 24 carbines, 1 RPG rocket launcher, 4 hand guns, over 70 handmade mines, 15 hand grenade, 42 tank rounds, 23 pieces of mortar 120mm shells, 28 DShK 57.5 shells, 17 boxes of DShK 12.5 shells, 33 RPG rockets, 6000 PK bullets, 1000 AK bullets, 24 AK magazines, 50 ammunition-carrying vests, a piece of wireless device, 3 day-time scopes, a pair of thermal scopes, a pair of rocket launcher scope, 1 tank scope, 3 cycle of violences, 2 vehicles, a van and a bulldozer.

In west Hesekê, another operation was carried out by our Units with the objective of liberating Rezaza and Debaxiye. In a short time, our forces managed to cleanse Debaxiye village, however, heavy festivities between our forces and terrorist elements in and around Rezaza village are continuing up to this moment. In Til Kiber village on the same area, our forces led another assault against terrorist groups, destroyed a vehicle of the terrorists, and killed 4 of their fighters.

Kobanê -- The resistance to the occupation attempts of Daesh gunnies near the city of Kobanê endured May 12 on the 240th continuous day.

Cleaning operations have been completed in Kartêl village which was liberated on May 11 in a joint operation by Defense Units and Thwar al-Raqqa fighters; in this area 1 PKM, 4 AK rifles, 10 hand grenades, 1 radio, 800 AK bullets and two boxes of DShK shells.
Posted by: Ebbomosh Hupemp2664 2015-05-14