
IS Captures Government HQ In Ramadi
[ABCAustralia] Islamic State fighters took over the main government compound in Iraq's western city of Ramadi, giving them nearly full control over Anbar's provincial capital, the group and officials say.

The insurgents attacked the city overnight Thursday (local time) using six suicide car bombs to reach the city centre, police sources said.

The jihadists seized the government complex around 2:00pm and raised IS's black flag, a police officer said.

IS "now occupies the government centre in Ramadi and has also raised its flag over the police HQ for Anbar," the police major said, speaking on condition of anonymity.
Rudaw adds:
Ramadi was a key stronghold of the insurgency in the US-led war in Iraq. It's now mostly held by Iraqi government forces, although ISIS bandidos forces of Evil control some parts of it, mainly on the outskirts.
And from An Nahar:
Police, army forces and tribal forces are defending the city as we speak to prevent IS from taking over entirely. Iraqi and coalition aircraft are in support," he said.

He and other officials said a large number of civilians were fleeing the city center, the second time in a month they have done so following another IS offensive in April.

"Families are trying to flee on foot, leaving their cars and homes behind, but most areas around Ramadi are under IS control," said Sheikh Jabbar Adjadj al-Assafi, a tribal leader.
Posted by: Grunter 2015-05-16