
Guardsman Scheduled for Court Martial
The defense for Spc. Ryan Anderson faces a black-and-white challenge: The tank crewman is shown on videotape willingly sharing military information with federal undercover agents he believed to be al-Qaida members.
Say goodbye, asshole.
Anderson, 27, was set to begin his court martial Monday on charges he tried to help the terrorist group. The trial at Fort Lewis, south of Seattle, was expected to last five days. Anderson pleaded innocent Aug. 9 to five counts of trying to provide the al-Qaida terrorist network with information about U.S. troop strength and tactics, as well as methods for killing American soldiers. Anderson, a member of the Washington National Guard's 81st Armor Brigade now in Iraq, faces life in prison without parole. A conviction requires agreement by two-thirds of a panel of commissioned officers. Anderson, a Muslim convert, has requested that his general court martial be heard by commissioned officers rather than a judge or a mixed panel of officers and enlisted soldiers. "He's making a tactical decision. They believe the officers, given this type of charge, will give him the fair shake," said David Sheldon, a Washington, D.C., attorney who specializes in military law.
An enlisted jury would like to toast him over a slow fire.
An officers' jury would have him basted with hot sauce just prior to toasting.
Specifics of the case have been guarded, with Anderson's attorney, Maj. Joseph Morse, and military prosecutor, Maj. Chris Jenks, refusing to comment. It's not known what evidence the defense will offer or who will testify on Anderson's behalf.
I'm sure his mother will say he's a good boy and he'd never do anything like this.
She has to. It's a religious duty. It's in the Koran someplace. You could look it up...

Posted by: Steve 2004-08-30