
House Dem Introduces Legislation Requiring All Gun Owners To Get Liability Insurance
[BREITBART] On May 29, Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) introduced legislation requiring all would-be gun owners to purchase liability insurance before being allowed to purchase a firearm.

If caught without liability insurance, gun owners would face a fine of "$10,000."

According to The Hill, Maloney released a statement saying, "We require insurance to own a car, but no such requirement exists for guns. The results are clear: car fatalities have declined by 25 percent in the last decade, but gun fatalities continue to rise."
We could require politicians to have insurance in case they say something schtoopid but who would write the policy?
Maloney then went on to reveal her belief that "an insurance requirement would allow the free market to encourage cautious behavior and help save lives." In other words, requiring insurance would play into Democrats's hands by forcing gun owners to adopt practices like locking up their guns or even rendering them inoperable when away from home for a lower insurance rate.
No doubt the Feds would subsidize the insurance requirement for inner-city gang-bangers, all in the name of 'equality'...

Posted by: Fred 2015-05-31