
If I Only Had a Brain
The State Department's got 99 problems with Iran, but a 20% increase in their nuclear stockpile ain't among them, according to Marie Harf. Pressed by the media for an answer on a New York Times story about the sharp increase in material during the Obama administration's negotiations, Harf pronounced herself and her team "perplexed" at the concern. "There are some real issues, serious ones that we have to resolve in these talks," Harf responded yesterday, "but this just isn't one of them."

So these are the things we've learned from Harf:

The State Department considers concern over a 20% increase in Iranium nuclear stockpiles "absurd"

The entire team is "totally perplexed" why the New York Times would report on it.

However, it's apparently true, even while being "totally inaccurate," because it's "absurd" to think the State Department wasn't already aware of it

Harf keeps repeating herself over and over to convince people that it doesn't matter

A 20% increase in stockpiles during a negotiation isn't "manufacturing a concern," it's a concern over manufacturing. Iran wants to manufacture nuclear weapons, and an increase in manufacturing the material needed to eventually make it should concern those who claim Iran is a trustworthy partner in negotiating an end to their weapons program. What Harf is doing is manufacturing a case that (a) the Iranians are misunderstood and (b) the State Department is smarter than everyone else, including the IAEA and the actual data.

Harf herself refutes (b) in this rambling, substance-free whining about the New York Times story. This dismissive, flip attitude about Iranian nuclear stockpiles -- hey, no worries, we like totes got this! -- makes the arrogance and naĂŻvetĂŠ of this State Department and White House effort all too clear. Not exactly a confidence builder in smart power here.

Does someone have to remind her to breathe? Read her whole reply at the link. Astounding.
Posted by: Deacon Blues 2015-06-03