
Iran arrests several nuclear `spies`
Tehran, Aug 31 , IRNA -- Iran`s Information (Intelligence) Minister Ali Younesi said here Tuesday that several people had been arrested for spying on the country`s nuclear program. "The Information Ministry has arrested several spies who were transferring Iran`s nuclear information (out of the country)," he told reporters during a news conference. Younesi did not identify those arrested, but stated that members of the terrorist Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO), which Iran dubs as Munafeqin or hypocrites, have passed the bulk of secrets about Iran`s nuclear program to the country`s enemies.
That would be us, I guess.
"Munafeqin have had the lead role in passing information (about Iran`s nuclear facilities) and have already expressed their pride in spying against Iran. "In a news conference which they held once in the United States, they said they were proud of passing this information to America and other countries," Younesi said.
Maybe this is why we've let them stay in a holding area in Iraq.

The minister stressed his ministry`s capabilities in uncovering espionage against the Islamic Republic, saying `we have already arrested tens of spies`. He did not say when the arrests had taken place. "The Information Ministry`s counter-spying department is equipped with the most advanced devices and acts with power and utmost fluency against infiltration of spy services," he added.
Posted by: Steve 2004-08-31