
Israel vows 'global' war on Hamas
Israel has vowed to hit Hamas leaders "wherever they are" and accelerate work on its West Bank barrier after the deadliest suicide bombings for months. Soldiers have already demolished parts of the houses of the two Palestinians named as perpetrators of the attack. Sixteen people were killed by the two bombers in near-simultaneous explosions on buses in Beersheba, southern Israel. Militant group Hamas said it was behind the attack to avenge the assassination of two of its leaders. Correspondents say that, since the deaths of Ahmed Yassin and Abdel Aziz al-Rantissi in March and April, Israel had put on hold further killings of high-echelon Hamas figures. "The policy now is to hit Hamas leaders wherever they are," a senior security source is quoted as saying on Wednesday.
Warm up the Helicopters Of Doom
Israeli officials are pointing the finger of blame at Syria, where Hamas political chief Khaled Meshaal has since emerged as the movement's undisputed leader.
He's now looking for a really deep hole.
The local leaders in Gaza, Mahmoud al-Zahhar and Ismail Haniyeh, have gone underground since the Yassin and Rantissi assassinations.
Six feet under ground would be nice.

Posted by: Steve 2004-09-01