
Six Cities Chosen to Have Nationalized Police Forces
A new pilot program has been launched by the Holder DOJ that could help bring police departments under federal control. It will be based on the premise that there is rampant bias in all police departments in the country and it will be aimed at saving the poor victimized minorities who are unfairly arrested.

It's important to note that it is a pilot program, which means an expansion of it is planned for much or all of the country. The six cities that have agreed to submit are taking money to subject themselves to federal research and to employ federal policing tactics.

The program has a name -- "National Initiative for Building Community Trust and Justice".

It will compile research and devise strategies to help the police get over their supposedly raging racism and learn to listen to the unfairly treated communities.

The pilot program treats crime like a focus group.

Six cities have been selected as pilot programs, pilot meaning they will eventually extend throughout police departments everywhere.

These cities have significant numbers of blacks, Hispanics and/or Muslims to be exploited. Minorities and the poor always provide fertile ground for these types of Marxist initiatives. It's a good place to start and they grow from there.

The communities will receive grants. They're being bought off in other words.

The cities are Fort Worth, Texas; Gary, Indiana; Stockton, California; Birmingham, Alabama; Minneapolis; and Pittsburgh.

Five of the six cities are bastions of far-left liberalism with some high crime rates in a number of locales. They will easily succumb to this form of social work policing.
Posted by: Blossom Unains5562 2015-06-20